How to let your AI See!

Objective: Extending our guards ability to detect movement within range

Jean-Noel Seneque
2 min readSep 15, 2021

Let’s create a cube just in front of the security guard and scale it to the length of the area the guard may see.

Create a cube that represents a detection area

Turn off the Mesh Renderer so you can only see the green outline of the collider and on the Collider Is Trigger is checked and rename this object to Eyes. Since the Eyes game object is a child of the Security Guard, where ever the guard moves, the eyes will follow.

Now let’s create the Eyes behaviour by creating a new script named Eyes and attaching it to the Eye game object.

Go ahead and open the Eyes script. The logic would go as follows, in OnTriggerEnter, check if the “other” tag is “Player” and if so then enable the Game Over Cutscene.

Eyes script

Play the game and as you will see, as soon as Darren is in the Security Guards detection area, it runs the Game Over Cutscene.

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Jean-Noel Seneque

A Data & Analytics Consultant who is expanding into developing experiences in XR, Enterprise and Gaming space using Unity